[F20] I never stop masturbating, I always masturbate nonstop, I can’t help it. It’s like, it’s my way to feel at ease and to be satisfied with myself a little. No matter what’s happening to my life. At the end of the day, I will masturbate. Is that a problem? It’s like I want to do it and never stop.

  1. Is it…a coping mechanism? In that case, it’s BOTH a good thing and a potentially bad thing at the same time. Because if it makes you cope, it’s awesome. And if you are not addressing the underlying issue, it’s not really helping in the long run.

    But most of the time, no. Nothing harmful or bad about it.

    As long as you keep up with your academical, professional and social life, it’s just a nice pastime isn’t it?

  2. Masturbation it’s natural and more when you are young. It helps as a stress relief quite well and I doubt it’s an addiction for you yet. It would be if it gets in the way of your daily life, which has not happened.

  3. If you’ve recently started masturbating, then that’s normal in the way that you’ve found something that feels incredible and you just want to do it alot.

    As a previous comment mentioned, as long as you’re addressing the underlying issue for that stress then it’s almost always healthy.

  4. Until about a week ago, if I didn’t have sex I’d always masturbate to get myself to sleep. My wife and I have a challenge for 86 times next year so I thought if I could build up the tension it will make hitting the target easier and I’ll be more motivated.

    I get you totally. You do you. Literally.

  5. I think your probably not going to get the answers you want here.

    You should instead check some other self help subreddits or YouTube, get help from a professional, or even someone you trust.

    Just know that there’s others like you, and if you don’t want to be this way, that’s okay.

    As for my advice, you should try to be aware of what leads you to masturbate, so you can break routine and how to replace it with something else (eg. Exercise, reading, and any other calming activity).

    I hope the best for you, and remember not to beat yourself up if you slip up.

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