I have not had the best social life and working from home over the last 8+ years has made it even worse!

I was trying to talk to people on chat sites but I saw a ton of things I didn’t want to see. People would skip before even talking or even in the middle of the conversation. It was frustrating and annoying to the point I wasn’t getting anywhere with it, especially on limited time.


I recently got a VR headset and started playing a game called VRCHAT.

Before you blow this off like I did, just hear me out.

Everyone on this game is literally on there to socialize and CHAT! it’s as close to real-life as you will probably get right now. There are always people on there to talk and play games.

I have met people who said that they had social anxiety so bad that even talking to their own families who they knew, would give them anxiety just to talk to them! After only being on there for a few months they started to talk to people. Then, 6 months later, they were having full-on conversations, making friends, and were even able to talk to people in real life!


The first week I was on there, I talked to more people than I have in an entire year! It was the best week I have had in over 10 years! I am not even kidding! I love being social and talking to someone new every day or talking to people I have made friends with.


I am making this post because I wish i had known about this sooner! And i want YOU reading this to see the same changes, it feels amazing! I want everyone to get better at socializing and having the life that they truly want! If someone could have told me this years ago, my life would have been so much different. But now it is going to be!

I did get motion sickness really bad. But I just got on there for 5 minutes during the day, whenever i could, and i was totally used to it after 4 days. Dont give up because of this one thing!

Give it a shot! I really hope you all get better and make some friends and improve your social skills together. Add each other on here on VRCHAT and work together. Change your life and every one’s life in here together.

If you don’t have a headset, you can use a PC or Mac if you have the right year of Mac.


Also, one last thing I would suggest that has helped me and I know will help you.

Read or listen to a book called “How to win friends and influence people” It helped me get rid of the annoying things I had no idea I was even doing! I noticed an immediate change from implementing it.

Both of these things I know for a fact will help anyone struggling with social skills and making friends.

I truly hope this post will make a difference in your life. When it does, please reach out to other people and help them as well. And remember, if someone helped you, then it is your duty to help other people as well.

  1. Can’t relate, my social anxiety is even worse when talking to people in those kinds of online group settings. Idk why. I can’t even do multiplayer games, I get too nervous 🥲

  2. Last time I was on VR Chat and spoke, a couple other players picked up that I was African American and it was just racist insults after that.. I became the moment for them. And naturally I felt like I had to defend myself (forgetting I could’ve just taken the headset off lol) but after that, I said to hell with VRChat! I hate putting blame on things, but that app helped make my social anxiety 10x worse.. Now I have a fear of “sounding Black” on the internet because that wasn’t the first time. Plus… I saw too many adults preying on minors, that app toxic.

  3. Very interesting, am very curious to see future studies investigate this. I totally believe this can be an extremely helpful thing. Cheers to you!

  4. Yeah do t go on vr chat, literally just go to parties or some shit as start talking with people, best way to get better at something is to leave your comfort zone

  5. i remember my first time playing the rec room vr i was so shy lol 😂
    Usually in roblox i can go up to anyone and say anything but using my voice is different ill have to give it a try

  6. 1100 hours in vrchat here, the people you meet can be very hit and miss but there are good people on there and if you’re someone without many “normie” hobbies it’s a great place to meet people with similar interests.

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