My boyfriend (22) and I (21 f) have been dating for a couple years now. We’re long-distance and often send each other explicit pictures—me more often than him because he’s into visual material and I’m not. Lately he’s started expressing that he wants me to ask for pictures from him because it makes him feel desired. I totally get where he’s coming from, but the trouble is I’m not sure how I would respond? Obviously it’s not enough that I just ask for a nude—I have to also appear grateful and enthusiastic, but let’s face it, nudes from guys aren’t the most creative/appealing, and that’s on top of me not caring much for visual material to begin with (I’ve communicated about my lack of enthusiasm for pictures in the past). I’m obsessed with him and his body, and I love everything he does, but I feel like I’ve run out of creative responses. Any ideas/advice?

  1. Ask him to go on r/cospenis (NSFW) for ideas.

    That way, you’ll have something to look forward to.

  2. A nude from a man does not necessarily have to equal a dick pic (because those are just not very sexy), I’d advise you both to go looking for NSFW accounts on social media like Tumblr and Twitter by men. I’ve seen a few accounts that take sexy pictures without focusing on their dick, which are very hot!

  3. Men & their dicks . They are so proud of them and think women want to see erect dicks . Most of is don’t .

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