I don’t know why, but it’s been super heavy on me for months. I’m almost a month from 30.

I had the worst year of my life health wise. Knees started to suck and needed physical therapy. Got eye conditions. Syncope episode that messed me up for a bit. Other issues I don’t care to mention. also my faith kind of spiraled and I don’t really know if I believe if there is anything after death.

I just wish I could be in my early 20s again. Life felt more fun. I miss feeling indestructible. I’m turning 30 single with no kids as well. I’m a cis-male.

I felt dissociated after the syncope stuff and other health stuff. Started to feel better, but still having strange sadness over aging. Plus how fast it happened. Before I know it I’ll be 40.

There is a lot still to live for and to do. So I’m not too sure what I’m all worried about. Maybe a bad year of dating doesn’t help.

I just feel like your growing into something the first 25-30 years of your life and at age 30 your body starts letting you know your going to die someday and it’s going to come faster than you think.

Any advice on navigating these feelings. I am seeing a therapist.

  1. I’m 52 in 11 days. I feel awesome and look really good for my age, too. I’ve stopped worrying about age because everyone is shocked about how quickly their life goes. It literally is the same for everyone.

    If you stayed in your early 20s you’d soon get fed up with it and yearn for maturity.

    30 is an amazing age to be but you have to be honest with yourself and ask whether any of these medical issues are lifestyle related. If they are, then it’s easy to change them.

    So are you eating right and exercising? Because if you’re not then aging will happen sooner than you want.

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