Hey! So I don’t really post much but I really need some advice.

My husband & I have been together for about 4 years & recently married. Last year, leading up to our wedding, I was diagnosed with ROCD (relationship OCD). It was rough but with therapy, we made it! My husband is very patient & really does try ti take care of me & keep me happy.

Anyone with ROCD, knows that we tend to obsess over things that other people wouldn’t feel like are a big deal. We can also have manipulative tendencies (& not even realize it) .. today I woke up feeling a little uneasy (it’s close to that time of the month & everything is intensified during that time). After work my husband picked me up & he could kind of tell based on things I was saying & the way I was acting that I was fragile. So he suggest that we go out to get some coffee together & then he takes me to hobby lobby (I think to try and cheer me up). I told him while we were in hobby lobby that I felt anxious & he took me to the side & gave me a hug & told me to just breathe. On the way back home, I was trying to show him a picture while he was driving & he said “I will look in a minute babe” & I sarcastically made the comment “I guess your life is more important” & he said “I mean yeah I want to make it to Easter” & I said something along the lines of “yeah I guess”. At this point we were pulling up to our complex’s driveway (we were off the road, & in on complex’s property. There’s a pole right before you turn into our parking spots) & he said “wow okay then I’ll just drive into this pole” & kinda started speeding up the car. & he could see it was triggering me (we had, had this conversation about this specific trigger last week) & quickly said “I’m not gonna do that”. We got in the house & had a whole conversation about it & he said “I would absolutely never hurt you, at the time, I was making a joke but I was also frustrated because you made it seem like my life didn’t matter & that seeing that photo was more important than us getting home safely” & I understood what he meant but I felt like he completely forgot about my triggers. Now I feel like I’m gonna have a spiral all weekend.

Any advice? Was I wrong?

1 comment
  1. Yes, you were all the way in the wrong. You wanted him to look at a photo while he was driving and then got offended because he made safety a priority? Come on now.

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