A lot of people think I’m weird for this but even this time of year I always have my A/C on cold. I was in the car with my GF with the heater on and it became unbearable. As soon as I can feel the hot air in my face it feels really stuffy and horrible. Even if its on windscreen or feet the warm air just feels horrible. Its stuffy and its not pleasant breathing in hot air.

People always complain its too cold when I drive but I love the cold air in a car its so refreshing and its nicer to breathe and doesn’t feel stuffy.

Im just wondering what the general consensus in the UK is? Do we prefer a hot car or a cool car? even in winter.

Edit: by A/C I mean cold air. Obviously its still technically A/C if you have it on a hot setting but for the sake of conversation I mean A/C being cold air

  1. I use the AC in winter but with the heat on as well. The AC dries the air and prevents steaming up but I want to be toasty warm in my car

  2. My car has climate control that uses the a/c and heater to get the car to the requested temperature. So technically I use a/c all year round.

  3. Air con will de-mist for cold and hot. No reason to not have it on all the time bar the small extra fuel cost.

  4. It’s good ‘maintenance’ to have the A/C on every so often in the winter as it compresses the gases and keeps it liquid.

    As others mentioned, it also dries the air so the windows don’t steam up as easily.

  5. Heat, balmy 28℃ (I grew up in a hot country). Sometimes if I’m feeling a little warm I turn it down to 26℃.

  6. I have the car set to 20° and leave the wizardry to manage whether it’s blowing hot or cold air to make it that temp regardless of season.

    But I also have a poncy car with multi-zone climate control, so the passengers can have whatever temperature and source of air blowing on them that they like.

    I could have hot air on my face, and the wife could have cold air on her feet if we so wished.

  7. you were born to drive a convertible! If it’s not raining i have the roof down and the heat on – it’s not stuffy!

  8. Yes, the air con is on in my car all the time. In the summer it cools, in the winter it gets rid of condensation. It’s also good for the system to keep it running. My car is a 2.0l diesel so the extra fuel use is negligible.

  9. I’ll have the heater on but only for my feet. I also hate that stuffy warmth getting blown into or near my face. If I’m not on a motorway/dual carriageway then I’ll have my windows cracked open an inch.

  10. No but i have a fan on in my bedroom even in winter ( after heating off & in bed) i like the air moving around while i sleep

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