For context, I’ve always been extremely introverted, and have only had a small handful of friends. Turns out they all sucked as people so now I’m down to zero.

For the last month I’ve been talking to people again (online anyways), but keep running into this same issue over and over again. We play some games together and have a good time, we’ll text a bunch for a few days, and someone will usually make an offer to get on again sometime soon, and when the time comes I always cancel. Afterwards I’ll keep talking to them less and less while my anxiety increases until all communication stops. This is beyond fucking frustrating because it just comes out of nowhere and seemingly without a trigger. It feels downright impossible to try to make friends when it becomes exponentially harder to interact with them the longer I know them. And that’s over the course of a week or so, let alone longer.

Why does this happen, and how can I fix this? I’m so tired of ruining potential friendships over this stupid fucking thing

  1. I am also an introvert but I enjoy limited socializing. Too much socializing would be draining so I understand. My 2 cents is that maybe the reason for this is due to being extremely extroverted. Have you thought about being an ambivert or getting offline and joining gathering over hobbies that you like in your neighborhood?

  2. Avoidant attachment style – google it! I think I have it and am also introverted. I just always am pushing people away. Down to no friends right now too.

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