24 F 28M. He’s also texted me all day every day, up until today. Today I didn’t hear from him until 5 PM, and that was only after I asked if he was doing OK. He told me that he’s been busy today with Easter and visiting family. But I noticed today when I was trying to show my brother his photo, that he had unmatched me from Bumble because I no longer see his profile. I sent him a text asking why, but I feel like he’s just gonna come up with some sort of excuse.

He hasn’t answered yet. The last time I saw him, he introduced me to his friends which I thought was a big deal and told me he would see me whenever I got back from my trip (which I am still on). For the past week or so since I’ve been gone, he’s been texting me throughout the day, long paragraphs and asking me a bunch of questions and interacting on the photos Ive posted on Instagram. So I guess I’m just very confused as to why he unmatched me within the past day or two. And why he didn’t text me all day. I don’t wanna overthink it but I’m starting to worry. We are not exclusive yet, and I’m not worried about him updating his profile, but I am worried if he unmatched me because he is for some reason not interested anymore.

The last date we had he told me he is not into casual dating and is looking for something more serious and I said the same.. What should I do? Should I assume the worst? I just don’t know why someone would do this. I thought he was super interested because even though sometimes he takes hours to reply, he always answers me in paragraphs and asks me a bunch of questions back. Today was the first day he hasn’t messaged and it happens to also be the day I noticed he unmatched. We were matched a few days ago, because I showed my friend a picture of him. I texted him a bit ago asking about it and said maybe it’s nothing but I just noticed and sometimes I overthink. He hasn’t answered and now I’m thinking the worst, because if it was a simple answer he would just answer right away, right?

TLDR: would you be worried if the person you’re dating unmatched with you on the app you met on?

  1. I wouldn’t worry because I would assume it was over. Forget him, honestly.

  2. He might have deleted the app. Do profiles disappear when that happens? I’m not really sure, but that would be a good explanation, right? Hope that’s the case

  3. If he doesn’t message you in the next 24 hours, he’s ghosted you. I know how much it sucks but do not blame yourself. Also, did he unmatch with or did he delete his profile? Some guys do that.

  4. You’ve had three dates and you’re already hyper-focusing on the number of hours between messages. Slow down and give him a chance to respond. It’s Easter – he’s probably been busy doing family stuff and might be asleep, out, or away from his phone.

  5. You unmatch people you’ve already connected with via text or whatever so you can streamline your match list.

  6. If he isn’t responding at all, don’t bother to reach out to him. Believe his actions.

  7. It’s Easter Sunday, he is with his family, you are with yours. Why are you obsessing over this? The situation will play out how it’s supposed too, you acting like this would personally be a huge turn off to me. I would be thinking “it’s Easter Sunday, I told her I’m busy, seeing family, interacting with people. She should be focused on the people she is with and not bombarding me with texts, we’ve only been on three dates and met on bumble, there is nothing to commit to yet”

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