We work in a restaurant. I’m 21M host and i wanna approach this pretty girl (waitress) but idk how.
During the day she always seems like she’s busy making drinks, doing side jobs, etc. while I (being a good little host) watch the front, greet customers, sit tables, pick up tables, etc so we aren’t really in the same general area and she gets off shift later than me so I’d have to somehow strike a conv. while still at work.
The most interaction we’ve had is basic work stuff that’s lasted like 3 words. I’d obviously have to do it when we aren’t busy but it just seems weird to do it with where we’re positioned and such.

1 comment
  1. I know this isn’t the answer you’re looking for, but it’s generally a very bad idea to try to date coworkers. It puts both of your jobs at risk if the feelings aren’t reciprocated, or if there’s a breakup.

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