We met on campus a month and a half ago, things moved really fast… ended up sleeping together a week later. We would sleep over 5/7 nights a week, stayed over a hotel together, ordered food, went on brief walks… that sort of thing.

Vibes are great, lots of connection, flirting, laughing, definitely into each other, we really click and are pretty similar… I wasn’t looking for anything, but things with her just seem so easy.

Long story short, we hadn’t actually gone on a date because of how busy things were. But we’re going tonight, and I am SOO nervous for some reason. Made a reservation at a nice restaurant, was thinking maybe we walk after…

Usually I’m calm, collected, and the social guy that doesn’t get rattled, but for some reason I’m overthinking this… Pretty sure the overthinking might be coming from not spending much time with her in public.

Looking for some advice on how to approach tonight? Do I hold her hand when walking? Do I ask more flirty serious questions at dinner? Is there anything I should do or keep in mind?

All the natural things that I am usually good with are just leaving my head… HELP

1 comment
  1. Enjoy your time and enjoy the ride? I mean – try to find out if she is compatible with you. If she likes what you do and vice versa. Maybe taking walks after dinner could be your thing as couple maybe not? I know the dating game and all that but I opened up to my fiancé early like.. hey are you also enjoying this as much as I do? Or you were also as excited to meet up? It was kind of a test for me if she would communicate the same level as I do and if she wanted to play games or have a positive relationship. Enjoy

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