Not sure if this is the right subreddit post this in, but I have a situation that’s been confusing me. So I have a boyfriend, I’ve been with him for a month and it’s been amazing. My mom and I were running errands today as I’m home for the holidays for a bit. I burped in front of her and she asks me if I “burped like that” in front of my boyfriend. I reply with I do sometimes and she was mortified by my answer, saying that she never would have done that in front of my dad a month into their relationship. I’ve been super confused by this whole situation, am I as abnormal as my mom makes me out to be in regards to burping in front of my boyfriend sometimes?

TL;DR: My mom asked me if I burped in front of my boyfriend and then was mortified when I said I do sometimes. I now feel confused

  1. Your mom is playing with the “girls don’t poop” trope.

    You’re not weird; this isn’t a nightmarish scenario.

    Unless your boyfriend has his own stupid misogynistic tendencies, then he’s just fine with you displaying normal bodily functions

  2. My wife farts in my presences, I always blame my farts on the dogs. If your bf was bothered by it than maybe he wasnt the right guy for you. You be you with your bf.

  3. Huh? What a bizzare thing.
    Im 55. I dont give a rats arse if my daughter burps in front of her boyfriend🤣
    Are you from down south USA ?

  4. Meh, some people feel like they have to withhold shall we say “more expressive” bodily functions until you’ve been together for a while and have reached a certain comfort level with each other. Personally, I’ve never really bothered with all that – to each their own.

  5. It isn’t something I could do. I was raised in a very strict manner though. Manners were incredibly important to my parents. Maybe over the top at some points.

    I think if you’re comfortable and your boyfriend doesn’t mind, that’s all that matters.

  6. Honestly, it doesn’t really matter if you burp in front of your boyfriend or not. People have different boundaries and comfort levels in relationships, and what works for one person might not work for another. As long as you and your boyfriend are happy and comfortable with your dynamic, then it doesn’t really matter what your mom thinks. Don’t let her make you feel abnormal or like you’re doing something wrong. It’s your relationship, not hers. Just be yourself and do what feels natural for you.

  7. She’d hate me cause me and my husband burp on front of each other and rate them 🤷🏽‍♀️

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