I have this female friend and everytime we see eachother, we always end up flirting. She already knows I think she’s cute and she flirts back with me. It’s weird, but we both acknowledge we are both attracted to eachother, but we haven’t actually done anything about it.

Anyways, I want to bring things to the next level and try to be more sexual with her rather than the teasing, and throwing in compliments. The only thing is I don’t know how to bring up sex naturally without saying overtly asking “do you want to have sex”? Like how do you naturally bring this topic up in an organic way that will result in getting my answer or having sex?

  1. If I were you, I’d ask her out on a date. Approaching the topic of sex is far easier in a romantic setting than in a more friendship one.

  2. Do you guys ever see each other in a place that would be appropriate to have sex in?

    Like if you only meet and flirt at a Starbucks it’s improbable that you’ll escalate the situation.

    Meet in your or her place instead. Watch a movie in the couch or something. See where things go.

  3. From mildly flirting to let’s have sex is a huge jump. Are you just looking for a hook-up? Are the signs there they she would be interested in having sex?

    It sounds to me, like you are struggling to naturally bring it up because you aren’t there yet. Usually, there is a spark or chemistry needed to take that leap. Plus, there is a huge risk of her saying no. You have to approach it in a way that leaves her an easy out, and allows it to not affect what you currently have.

    You don’t want to back her into a corner or make her feel threatened and uneasy. It’s a big risk but if you really want to ask, honesty is always the best policy. Just be respectful when you bring it up and use questions don’t make a lot of statements. Keep it light and with a friendly mood and reassure her that a no is okay.

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