We have been dating for over a year now. I M(27) get bugged or irritated when I see that my gf (28 F) still has photos of her ex fling/ guy she dated. We have had countless discussions about social media and the boundaries we are comfortable with but I wonder if I am out of bounds for being upset that she has photos of people she dated in the past. She states there is no point in giving energy and effort to the past and that she doesn’t even think or notice what is or isn’t on her profile from years passed. I’ve set the boundaries I’m comfortable with (I’m uncomfortable with current contact with someone who either of us have shared an emotional relationship with. Official ot not) but I always feel as if I am being immature by being bothered by posts and photos from over two years ago.

1 comment
  1. Personally speaking, I think it comes off as incredibly insecure and controlling for you to make this such a huge deal. Your partner is almost 30, she’s had past partners that have been involved in her life before you. Her keeping the photos on her social media isn’t indicative of residual feelings.

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