my boyfriend and I barley see each other these days and I‘m kinda fine with it (i do miss him but he‘s studying and working so he does not have that much time) but Idk if that’s normal bc my friends for example see their partners almost everyday??? Are we weird for not like meeting everyday? Its not that we do not talk every other day through phone calls or texts but we’re like really busy and Idk if that’s weird?

TLDR: Boyfriend and I barely see each other but we’re fine with it, is that weird?

  1. I mean at this age I saw my partner everyday but also it didn’t work out so what do I know.

    When are you planning to see each other next? There will always be work and study and family needs… as a couple you have to make time to be together. Otherwise you are not.

  2. Me and my boyfriend are a little older then you (23) but we always try to do once a week. We live 30 mins away from each other and are busy so once a week does take a bit of effort. I think less than that if your not long distance is a little strange and everyday is a little much. Then again, if it’s working for you there’s no need to force it.

  3. I mean if you’re both fine with it then it’s okay I suppose. Just a little unusual. When I was 20, I was saying a guy and we’d see each other every week or every two weeks because we lived 50mins away from each other but we’d miss each other like crazy. And that was in the holidays. He studied in another province so then we would go a few months without seeing each other and we made it work.

    Do you video chat often? Or do you just text?

  4. Are y’all long distance? I’d say it’s abnormal but if you both are okay with it, then it’s okay

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