I’m not talking about constantly staring over peoples shoulders or being in their space. I’m talking about when you just happen to see what someone’s doing as you are just hanging around them casually and that person is someone you know such as a friend, classmate, or family member. I know that talking about things that interest someone could lead to good conversations but I don’t want to disturb anyone.

  1. You won’t really ever know if you’re bothering someone until you ask them what book it is they are reading, and how open, receptive or closed off they act after being asked.

  2. This is one of those “read the room”

    So, you are sitting next to someone on the train. You say perhaps “I’ve heard that is a really good book, what do you think so far”

    One of two things are likely to happen: they close the book, turn slightly towards you and answer your question. They are happy to be interrupted and are interested in a conversation with you. Conversation goes back forth, perhaps you mention other, similar books and so on.

    Or, you ask a question, you get one word answers. They don’t put the book down, and perhaps even turn slightly away from you. You don’t notice at first, and so ask a follow-up question. Again you get a one word answer. They aren’t interested. You say “sorry to have disturbed you” and go back to staring out the windows or looking at your phone.

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