Why did you get married? How did you know they were the right one for you? Sappy love stories, and lessons learnt too!

  1. Honestly it was a combination of things- we had been together for a very long time (over a decade) and getting married felt like something I was supposed to do. It felt weird saying “my boyfriend” when I was talking about someone who I had 3 children with, shared a home with and had been with for 10 years. That was a weird insecurity of mine, I guess.

    Also, immigration issues. He was (is) from another country and getting married was the only shot at fixing it.

    But, there were SO many problems in our relationship. Maybe those problems were the reason we didn’t get married sooner. We should have never gotten married though. We divorced less than 3 years after getting married.

  2. I married one of my best friend from high school. Years of tension and chemistry as we lived separate lives and dated other people. 10 year later we both were single, me out of a long term relationship and we decided to break the tension, i was just in town for a visit.

    3 weeks later I had to run home for a family emergency, turns out he was actually dealing with a similar situation ended up splitting a hotel room and 10 years later here we are happily married with 2 kids.

    I didn’t want to date him, i was just out of a long term relationship. But it just felt right, I dated around a bit, but it just felt right with him I can’t really explain it better than that. It just felt complete, no complications,we had years of friendship and understanding of who we are but discovered a whole new level to our relationship.

    and honestly it just gets better, we have had ups and downs but even when it’s hard there isn’t a doubt in my head and we handle those times as a partnership.

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