What is ONE new habit you’ve incorporated into your life that has had the largest positive impact?

  1. Always get up at the same time, even weekends. No more morning grogginess, more energy in the mornings, don’t need coffee to start my day, it’s been great.

  2. Working out daily (or almost daily). It doesn’t matter what I do, I just have to do 30 minutes of exercise.

    As soon as I miss a more than a day, I start to notice the rest of my life spiraling. I’m more tired, more likely to veg out on the couch, more likely to reach for junk food, more likely to drink. Before I know it, the house is a mess, and it takes days to catch up on all the adulting I wasn’t doing.

  3. I try to think about what I have got rather than what I haven’t. It makes a huge difference. I always used to feel hard done by but when I switched my thinking, I became much happier and realised how lucky I actually am

  4. I’ve been keeping what I call my kid journal. It’s basically when my kid says or does something I find memorable, I write it down so one day I can turn it over to her like a photo album, but written exactly how I speak so she can kinda hear my voice when she reads through.

    It started out as sweet stuff like her cuddling up on us, but my last entry from today says, and I quote “so today you walked into the bathroom while I was blow drying my hair with your dads nerf gun and held me at gunpoint. I said what are you doing and then you shot me in the boob and scurried off into my bedroom to hide in your favorite spot behind your daddy’s clothes. When I found you you shot me again in the forehead like the little shit you are.”

    And then I date them with either a smiley or frowny face if it was her being good or bad. This was more of a meh face. I’m excited to fill a few up and give them to her when she’s older.

  5. Acting my wage.

    Now hear me out, no shame if you want to crunch and be ambitious and climb the corporate ladder, everyone lives a different life. My last boss insisted on us to levergae a “Work for a living not live for working” mindset, approved long weekends and vacations, thanked us for staying late, even thanked us and rewarded us for doing out best and I have never felt so valued until I hwd actual work live balance.

    Eternally thankful to him.

  6. Not feeling guilty about an unproductive day. If I feel unproductive, I don’t add stress to the equation. I take my day.

  7. Going to bed early and waking up early, around dawn, when the world itself seems to still be sleeping. I used to so not be a morning person. I suppose that hasn’t had a huge positive impact, but since it’s the *only* new habit I’ve started recently it’s all I’ve got

  8. Resting. I used to be a workaholic until I burnt out and now I’m realizing that I’m more productive when I take care of myself.

  9. I take showers at night instead of the morning. I now actually take my makeup off at night, brush AND floss, and put lotion on my dry af skin. I actually feel like I have time to shave, exfoliate, etc. My skin has cleared up a ton and my feet are softer too! 😁

  10. Stopped telling myself mean things. I would make a small mistake and call my self stupid. Now when I do it I stop and tell myself I’m not stupid and things happen. I wouldn’t let other people talk to me the way I used to talk about myself so I’m no longer doing it.

  11. Polishing my nails once a week with nail art, I show my creativity with it and people always compliment me, I did it during my teens, then I didn’t took care of my nails and now I picked it all up again.

  12. Waking up early even when I don’t have to. Granted my baby has something to do with it but not sleeping in is a good feeling.

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