This was all in the span of 4-5 months, I have usually told the girls that I like that I have developed feelings for them, just wondering if it’s completely natural to be rejected this often or could there be something wrong with the way I carry myself?

My personality tends to be outgoing so there could be a possibility that any crushes I develop just see me as a friend rather than anything else?

  1. Honestly I wouldn’t tell someone I have feelings for them unless we’re already dating. So maybe next time you find yourself attracted to someone just ask them out sooner as opposed to later and be chill about it

  2. How far into getting to know them do you confess that you have feelings for them? If you’ve only known them for a few weeks then it might be too early.

    Did you only hang out with them with a group before confessing or did you hang out with them one on one a few times before confessing? I’d never confess if it’s the former, if it’s the latter then I don’t think you did anything wrong. Just keep putting yourself out there.

  3. It may be an issue of approach.

    The way i do it is just befriending a girl. If she returns my attention and we hang out enough, ill be able to tell if she likes me by the amount of favoritism i get over her other friends and her body language ariund me.

    Honestly if you just befriend someone hard enough, youll know pretty fast whether theyre into you

  4. That’s like 1 1/2 months for each girl. If I knew someone for a little more than a month and he suddenly told me he had feelings for me, I would also reject him. It’s way too much too fast.

  5. Bruh. You’re being way creepy. Don’t tell someone you have feelings for them if you have never dated them. Randomly meeting females in group settings and then telling them you have feelings is skipping like 17 steps. You’re giving serial killer vibes. Ask a girl to grab a coffee ffs. Build from there.

  6. Telling a girl you have developed feeling for her is too much too fast. Instead flirt with her so she feels attraction herself, and then invite her to something she will find fun.

  7. It might be the approach. Maybe it’s just the way you described it, but it sounds like you’re simply hanging out with girls as friends/acquaintances then confessing your feelings for them. This is going to have a pretty low success rate.

    You typically don’t go straight from friends/acquaintances to confessing feelings. You meet, you flirt, you build a rapport and, eventually, start dating (drastically oversimplified). This lets you gradually feel each other out without putting each other on the spot quite as much.

    Next time, instead of thinking “hey, I like this girl. Let me spend some time with her then tell her that I like her”, which is kind of one-sided, try to let her know you like her with subtle flirting and see if she reciprocates. If she does then you can flirt a little more. If she reciprocates again then you can flirt a little *more*. Etc. Etc.

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