You love to cook and now is your time to shine. What are you making?

1. Backyard gathering. The weather is nice. The table is set up outside. The kids are running around

2. Holiday feast: Whatever the big family feast of the year is in your country/culture.

3. Date night: Just you and your partner. Successful execution of this mission could very well result in copulation.


  1. #1 burgers, hotdogs, chips, dip, potato salad, cans of soda in the cooler with ice

    #2 turkey or ham, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, other vegetable sides, rolls, stuffing, cranberry sauce

    #3 can vary wildly with my spouse, could be steak and 2 vegetable sides, could be fried chicken and mashed potatoes, could even be chicken nuggets and tattor tots

  2. 1. Smashburgers, hot dogs, halloumi burgers for veg, mexican street corn, and grilled veggies
    2. Roast beef tenderloin or prime rib roast, bone in, fish, crispy potatoes, some salads and breadcrumb mac and cheese for the littles.
    3. light main course with tons of acid/tang; maybe something thai or a light pasta with seafood and finished off with a chocolate fondant.

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