Any advice?

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  1. Overall a good profile. IF things aren’t working, here’s some things you could try:


    Your pictures are pretty good, but you could stand to have a good profile shot to lead off with. Wear something nice and take a shot from your midriff on up where you’re the focus. You could even lead with your first picture, just crop it so that you’re center focus like this (hopefully with a higher res version):

    Other than that I like it. Good variety, gives me a good idea what you look like. Shows some personality. No big red flags. All in all a good set.


    You waste a lot of space here on stuff that doens’t matter. You’re on a dating app, so yeah…we know you’re looking for someone special. Don’t need to know you’re new to the area. Try to avoid listing things you ~used~ to do that you don’t anymore unless they’re still relevant.

    People over 30 tend to benefit from a few talking points and not doing lists. Pick like, 2 or 3 things you’re super passionate about and would enjoy having a conversation about. So assuming you’re really into Game of Thrones, Farmers Markets and Restaruanting…

    “Famers markets are great because you can spend an hour shopping, walk away with a single vegetable and feel accomplished. I loved Game of Thrones. All seven seasons of it. Yup, all -seven-. Looking for someone to try all the restraunts in town with me. 13 down, only…1828 to go.”

    Your prompts as well could use a little more personality. The personal hell one is good, but “I’m a super nerd about…” Elaborate as much as you can on the Ren Faire and why. Favorite quality in a person is a good chance to give a conversation prompt. “Isn’t afraid to geek out about their favorite episode of star trek”

    Best of luck to you!

  2. Idk if it’s just imgur, but the first picture is blurry and makes it difficult to see your face clearly. In your other pics, it’s much easier to see how beautiful you are, so I’d lead with one of them.

  3. You’re being very clear and describing yourself in pretty fun ways. Parmesan is an immutable must lol. When someone inquiries, definitely mention any stories behind the photos; like places you’ve been and what now. Plenty of fun hearing about people’s travels.

  4. Your photos are so cute and you seem interesting! I think it’s always good to give people as many prompts as possible and keep it positive, so rather than “Someone who can hold a conversation” maybe write what you’d like to talk about! Like, “someone who can trade history facts” or “someone who will fill me in on all their workplace drama,” y’know… whatever you’re into.

  5. I think your second picture looks better than your first picture and that should be on top. Other than that it looks alright. Good luck!

  6. I have **a lot** of the same interests as you and find your prompts pretty endearing. With that in mind, my primary note: I suspect *a lot* of people who are the type who like farmers markets and are Ren Faire nerds are going to be way more bothered/distracted than perhaps they should be by punctuation, capitalization and spacing issues. I found them distracting.

    More nitpicky stuff: I agree with another poster that your first photo is good but would be great if it was sharper (and it may be on the app). Two of your pictures are the exact same selfie pose with different outfits, and one in the middle is quite similar as well. I think you’d be fine with just one of them, with the other replaced by a picture of you out and about (maybe in a way that shows you’re out with friends, at a market or restaurant or a park or something, but I certainly know it can be tough to get good pics like that when you’re fairly new somewhere). I like the statue and bike photos a lot.

    Even as is, I’d swipe right if I was in your area and actively dating; I think there’s a lot of good stuff but some tweaks would take it from “pretty cool” to “Wow!”

  7. You with white hair looks like a sexy storm from X-men or other super hero and is absolutely AMAZING and just utterly stunning!! I’m not a lesbian, but I literally thought like damn she’s so hott haha. I cannot be the only person thinking this!

  8. Nitpick: you have several spacing/punctuation issues e.g. a comma after a space, or a space separating a word and a period, etc.

    I’m likely not your target here, but I usually swipe left on profiles with sloppy punctuation or sentence structure.

  9. Honey you are too cute. This is not advice or a review, but a reminiscence. Just wanted to say that I remember being 28 and feeling like it was the end of the world — that I wasn’t going to be married and have my kids by 30. Then I turned 30 and got really desperate, then 31, then 32… now I’m about to turn 35 and now I’ll be happy if I can just find an employed guy who will hump my leg in his sleep by the time I’m 50 😂. I joke. Not saying this will happen to you, but this post of you being under 30 in datingoverthirty really hit me in the feels with the days when I’d stalk this sub underage. Good luck, love. Be stronger than me, haha

  10. Your are GLOWING in your second pic. The Christmas pic is adorable, but I’d swap them and make that second pic the first people see.

  11. I like your profile ! My only note is that a few of the photos look like smoothened, almost like there’s a filter on. That could very well be bc of imgur though

  12. To me Everything looks great. Definitely a profile that’d catch my attention, but if I had to pick something that might turn some off it’s the “bar hopping” part. There’s a good amount of dudes who aren’t into women who “bar hop” because they come off as someone who’s not looking for anything serious but free drinks and a good time. Not a total dealbreaker, but you know how most people in the dating scene like to nitpick things nowadays.

  13. Photos look good, add interests or hobbies photos like gym, festivals, and present your lifestyle and hobbies through photos… bio looks too monotonous, add some spice :D, yeah people like excitement and curiosity…

  14. The lighting in your first picture isn’t great, and it’s hard to see what you look like. I’d suggest using your third picture as your first picture.

    Saying you’re looking for that special someone is a waste of bio space. IMO saying how long you’ve been where you are is also a waste of bio space. Indicate you’re looking for a relationship with the relationship type option Bumble provides, and use your bio space to tell the reader about yourself.

    Your prompts aren’t great. They don’t tell me anything about you, what you want a relationship to look like, or the type of person you’re looking for. Being able to hold a conversation is a bare minimum ask, it’s not worth stating. Saying you like parmesan doesn’t tell me anything about you.

    Get more specific with your prompts. E.g. what do you like about the Renaissance fair? What would you like to talk with a partner about?

  15. Bye you’re so cute!!! I think your 3rd and last photos are great, and would move them up in your profile 🙂

    – I’d change the “favorite quality in a person” prompt, right now it’s not really telling us much.

    – Maybe add a short sentence about why you love the Ren Faire in the 2nd prompt, to give it more substance?

    – I agree with the grammar/punctuation comments! This is how I’d suggest you write your bio text:

    **Looking for a special someone :).**

    **Been in Houston for around 6 months.**

    **I’m into going out/bar hopping, fitness classes, trying new restaurants, and farmer’s markets.**

    **I also have a love for all things fantasy/history and I was even in a kickball league in Houston.**

  16. You are cute girl!

    The photos all seem to be of poor quality, not very clear and all of them are selfies.

    Do you have photos of you at the ren-faire or doing something nerdy? Do you have pictures of you active? I would try do have more balance so it gives a better understanding of you then just photos of just your face!

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