(16M, she’s 17F)I am not sure whether I should or not, sounds like gentleman but might be old fashioned or just too much

  1. If opening doors is congruent with your personality, do it. If you aren’t the type of guy who opens the door for people you care about (mom, grandma, grandpa, friends sometimes) don’t do it. Doing nice things for a desired goal is easily seen as disingenuous. It’s kinda like special offers for credit cards, the deal seems nice, but we know the generosity is tied to some sort of gain for them.

  2. Absolutely. And not just the car door. And not just for dates. Any time you have the chance, you should open the door for anyone. It’s just a nice thing to do.

  3. She’s probably able to open her own door. But it’s lovely that you’re thinking about that!
    You sound like a sweetheart!
    Text her back, be kind to waiters, ask her about her life, be a kind gentle person – that kind of thing speaks volumes – door opening if the opportunity arises, but don’t force it.
    You’ll be fine 😍

  4. I say if it is natural do it, but don’t if you have to go out of your way awkwardly. Hopefully this makes sense

  5. Do it… but let it be kind of a litmus test to see if she will do similarly simple gestures to you too (give you a spoon, take your chair out, etc). Doing stuff like this can low key breed a sense of entitlement to those to receive it.

  6. I’m a woman and while I find it sweet at times, it can also be inconvenient. If you have to say “Let me get that for you!” while you jog towards the car door that I already have my hand on, it’s become more inconvenient than sweet. If you’re already right there and in the position to do so, it may make me blush.

  7. definitely don’t be in your car when she comes out. that way you can open the door for her when she gets in. however when she gets out, she might just open the door herself. i often forget my boyfriend opens doors for me and beat him to it. but he is able to beat me to opening the door when im going in at least.

  8. You should always open the door for a lady! My man is from the south! I never open a door of any kind, I never put the groceries in the car or return the cart! He’s such a gentleman and I absolutely adore him for it❤️

    In return I like to do little things all the time to reciprocate the constant effort and he loves it too❤️

  9. If you open her door, don’t mention that you’re doing it, don’t make a joke out of it, don’t say something like “m’lady” because you feel awkward.

    If it doesn’t come across as natural, it’s just painful for the girl lol.

  10. Do it. The only reason not to is if she tells you not to open the door for her. It’s a nice thing to do and I think she’ll appreciate it.

  11. Honestly guys don’t do it anymore really so I think you should. It’ll make her feel good, win you points and set you apart from other men. (Especially at that age)

  12. Yes you should, it is a sign of respect. It should be done for all ladies you are with, even your mother.

  13. It’s sweet but if you do it in a way that inconveniences you or her like reaching over to do it inside the car, or rushing to her side of the car just to do it – it does seem like too much.

  14. I like it when a man does. Be you. If she gets mad that’s a personal issue. But also if you do it and then stop you can’t. You gotta be consistent or it could be viewed as weird. Coming from a female.

  15. Personal(22f) opinion, it’s sweet and makes you feel special and thought of but in moderation.

    I had an ex who just outright refused to let me open the car door (in and out), it was sweet at first but it got old real quick. It felt like a chore at that point, and I don’t mean to sound ungrateful but it gets super annoying having to wait for you door to be opened for you. It went from feel like I was in a rom-com to feeling like a toddler. Especially when I’m already at the door. I can’t tell you how many times I tried to pull a fast one and just get in or out real quick. Sometimes it worked but most times it resulted in him running up behind me and closing the door just to reopen himself or yelling at me to not touch the door so he could get it.

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