How did you find your own personal style?

  1. A little Pinterest board of what a like in terms of style. Seeing what I have in my wardrobe that fits it, what’s missing. And finding alternatives to better fit my body type.

    It’s more about needing to stop buying stuff that don’t fit that style so your wardrobe ends up matching with what you love… Once you get ready to go, it ends up really hard for it to not look somewhat put together/intentional. But do it for sports/gym, everyday, work and special events so you don’t end up not having the appropriate attire, but it’s better to start with the part of your wardrobe you’ll be wearing more often and go from there.

    For hair, I’d say figure out three options. One for sport, one for bad hair day and one you wouldn’t mind doing everyday and look good with. Do them often so it becomes easy to do faster and that’s it. Doesn’t have to be complicated at all, sometimes, just the right clips and you’re good to go.

    For makeup, figure out the easiest and fastest way to get ready and look the way you want to look without putting too much effort into it (may take lots of efforts at first tho). If the style desired is heavy on it, find a way to make it so it doesn’t take you an hour to do.

    Having personal style isn’t that hard, but it’s commitment and most people lack in that department and will buy a pair of pants because they need it without shopping around for that pair that would better fit their desired wardrobe.

    At first it may cost more because you are building a base, but once your wardrobe basics are set, it’s not really any different than any other wardrobe, you even end up saving because you loose the urge to buy things instantly if they don’t fit that style you want.

    But yeah, really, it’s about commitment to it. People who look like they have a personal style or signature do so because their appearance fits a certain look (whatever it is they want) more often than not and others get used to see them that way and associates the said look to them.

  2. I started going to thrift shops. The total randomization of clothing style really helped me figure out what I was drawn to instead of trying to pick specific brand name stores at the mall

  3. I like to see what other girls wear and learn from it. Put on cloths that make you confident and comfortable. Also Like it when I got compliments, ppl do look at you when you dress up nice

  4. I noticed that I love everything luxury/old money so I started noticing how they dress (trousers, heels, sweaters, real gold no faux-bijou, healthy hair, little natural makeup…) and I started slowly replacing my wardrobe piece by piece. It worked. Everyone gives me so much respect because I dress the way I do.

  5. Over time I’ve just paid attention to what I think looks cool and tried it out to see if it works on me. Pinterest has been a great tool for putting together idea boards, so have a bunch of subreddits. Also Instagram and twitter have been great resources, just finding people with a style I like that post their fits often, and even some brands I like.

  6. It’s a mix of what I already have with what I see on YouTube and Pinterest that people wear and I like it how it looks.

    All you have to do is making a list of items you see that you like how they look on other people and then you look at your closet: you already have that item? you don’t? If you don’t have you just have to buy it.

    And step by step you will have your own personal style. Obviously that style can vary over the years but I will recommend you to at least have some basics clothes that could last years (white and black t-shirt, black/navy/brown trousers, etc. You know all this things that you can combine without any problems).

  7. Don’t think I have one really. Mostly, I’ll see someone else wear something and think that looks nice. I’ll try and create an outfit similar.

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