I’m 40, no kids, and about to get divorced. Dating was never my thing, and I met my stbxh first as a friend. During the course of my marriage, I’ve come up with a few health issues (migraines, motion sickness, food allergies) that unfortunately, I now have to work my life around. When is it appropriate to let someone know about these issues without scaring someone away?

Thanks in advance!

  1. >without scaring someone away

    When you get to the DTR stage. By that point, the new guy probably would have noticed some of it already eg. the food allergies. If your health issues isn’t going to affect your lifespan, it shouldn’t be a problem. It’s not like you’re saying you have a terminal illness and you’ve only got a year to live.

  2. None of those issues will turn a guy off, even with your life revolving around them. I’d say when you feel comfortable. If it’s really so serious that you think it needs an entire deep convo than I’d say once it’s official. If it was something that you could transmit or that was terminal it might be a bigger deal. But this is unlikely a deal breaker

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