I have a problem. I have zero friends. I’m a 24 year old that graduated May 2021 and moved to cross-country.

I’ve researched this a lot and it looks like this is (understandably) quite hard to answer + achieve post-schooling.

The first steps I’d like to take are joining meetup groups and going to coffee shops more often.

  1. I have a book recommendation. “How to talk to anyone 92 little tricks” I’ve only read 27 pages but my social skills have skyrocketed because the book gives practical techniques and makes application possible

  2. If you’re lucky you’ll find some friends where you’ll work, but honestly I think that as much as you keep searching you’ll find someone, apparently ending up with almost no friends after school is common, so you’ll eventually find people in the same situation. But you need to find people that are compatible with you and that you enjoy to be with. That’s the real hard part.

    Meetups are cool but people there are very different from each other, it’s a game of luck. Maybe you’ll have more chance in clubs with people that have similar interests.

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