Have ever tried having sex while being high? How would you describe it? I never had sex after smoking weed even if I get very horny when I am high cause I am scared of having soft boners lol but I had already masturbate and orgasm and it was very intense

  1. I feel more euphoric, relaxed and all sensations feel times 10…BUT dry mouth/vag sucks and it takes a lot longer to cum (though the orgasm is stronger than normal)

    Edit: grammar

  2. Amazing. I’m a guy and when I used to smoke I was able to have back to back orgasms. As in the second orgasm started as soon as the first one finished. It only happened twice, but I’ve been envious of anyone who can have multiple orgasms with no cool down ever since.

    Even the times when that didn’t happen were amazing though. Weed makes everything better.

  3. Life changing!!! Inhibitions and anxiety gone. Horniness shoots up. The sensations are amped up and everything feels incredible. I get so lost in each moment! Before I discovered doing it this way I’d get in my head a lot and it’d take away from the experience

  4. Your milage may vary.

    I’ve heard stoners rave about it. I decided to try it once.

    And the results?

    My partner: “So are you going to do anything or are you just going to stare at the wall?”

    Me: “I’m just going to stare at the wall.”

    We had to wait for it to wear off before we actually had sex.

  5. It’s pretty good…nah, it’s awesome. But you need the right weed and don’t get too high, your going for a very mild buzz anything more and its not good. Use Sativa for sure.

  6. Love it. Inhibitions are totally gone. Orgasms are better. Husband’s boner is unaffected vs alcohol that can kill a boner. I feel like on weed I’m getting porn sex. Dry mouth does suck though like other commenters mentioned. But when I give oral, if I deep throat a bit it helps with the dryness.

  7. Well its like you zone out alot while youre in the passive part. I only experienced it in the bottom way and having the very intense feeling of a penis in your body while being high is a … rather interesting combination.
    you feel it differently, you body reacts strongly to the sexual energy and you become very horny but your mind is wandering and sometimes you even get these funny weed thoughts that ppl often have. But its kind of like an out of body experience- one that good sex without drugs can cause aswell.
    Its just a little more easy to access that trancelike state.

    Thats just my experience and i hope i could help you with it 🙂

  8. It’s quite enjoyable. One or two tokes is enough for me. The most intense sensations during sex with another person where after using a small amount of pot.

  9. I’m 45 and smoke daily. I’ve never had a problem with a hard on. As a matter a fact I think I get harder when I’m high.

  10. I can’t speak on if weed affects erections because I’m a woman but I can say everything feels so much better. Every touch and feeling is heightened. In my case I’m also not in my head about anything, I can 100% be in the moment and relax and get lost in it. But if you smoke you know about cotton mouth, this doesn’t just happen to your mouth. Harder to give head when you don’t have much saliva but more importantly women don’t get as wet usually so maybe have some lube on hand.

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