My female film major friend wants to know

  1. There’s obviously not just one male experience.

    I would say that the movie that best encapsulates my own male experience is *Scott Pilgrim vs. The World*.

  2. Secondhand Lions.
    It’s an excellent coming of age story involving a kid raised by a single mother with no previous male role models. He’s dropped off by his mother at his great uncle’s place so he can get close to them so they’ll leave her money when they die. The kid has no idea how to be a man and learns through the actions of his two uncles how to be a man.
    Plus the speech Hub gives him on what every boy needs to know to be a man is something most men need to hear in my opinion.

  3. I’m yet to find a movie to be all in one as in it shows every aspect but to name a couple . Fight club and shame show some parts of it .

  4. The Quiet Earth

    On the surface it’s about a man who wakes up to find that everyone on earth has disappeared. The deeper theme is isolation and what it does to the male psyche, ultimately leading to salvation through love, then the fear of losing it, being lost again… I could go on but it’s really worth a watch even if you’re not a guy.

  5. It’s not a positive example, but *Fight Club*. It is explicitly about the male experience and as relevant today as it was in ’99.

  6. **Fight Club** imo encapsulates the male experience and journey from a beaten down shell of man enslaved by the system, going through the perpetual motions to a free, power hungry, not bound by societal limitations, no bars, no inhibitions **FREE MEN**. It always worth a watch.

  7. And what’s the male experience? Lol questions in this sub are getting dumber by the minute

  8. Scarface. Work hard to get the money, the power and the women. All to find out that none of it amounts to real happiness and then you die.

  9. A Serbian Film, ie. being trapped in a society that makes you do more and more horrible things and completely abandon your humanity to survive because that’s all you can do

    Also: Begotten. Born naked and screaming into a totally hostile and unforgiving world, abandoned by nature, repeatedly attacked and made to witness the ruination of everything you love, just an endless series of symbolic deaths

  10. For film majors to explore the deeper meanings in movies:

    Fight Club. Yeah, a lot of this, especially now.

    American Psycho. As edgy and whatnot fans have made it out to be, it’s right up there with showing off how men will wage war with themselves and others despite not lacking anything in life.

    Whiplash. I find this movie has lots of strength that lend to the idea of men competing and being the junior in a instructing relationship where high-stress is leveled towards a person, who happened to be a man, but perhaps most normal men in a highly skilled enviroment will experience. Compare this to Black Swan and you start understanding my point.

    Nobody. One of those, “Skilled killer turns old but still kicks ass” but there’s a great level of reality to it all, especially in how he’s demeaned. I feel like lots of older guys really resonate with it.

    Moonlight. Really well known for the gay content, if you take the idea of homosexuality out of it and focus on the character, it’s an excellent introspective on fragility, societal expectations, insecurity, growing up with different paths, etc..

  11. Terminator 2 encapsulates what it means to be a man. Nobody arrives on this earth perfect, but we can strive to be self-reliant like the T-800 even if there are others like the T-1000 that are more capable than us. We can learn to love and respect our fellow man from unlikely places. When necessary we can be self-sacrificing.

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