My boyfriend doesn’t wanna do foreplay he used to a bit in the begging of the relationship but now he doesn’t. I tell him I want him to do it cause I always suck his dick but he never goes anywhere near my vagina. He just always says the only thing that goes in there is his dick. He always finishes but I haven’t once and I want to but I can’t without him not doing foreplay. What should I do ?

  1. Have a very long talk with him! It definitely isn’t fair to you that he won’t do it and I can see it causing major issues down the road!

  2. Honestly very frustrating… I love foreplay but my girl wants to hope right into sex…. frankly I love eating her or pleasing her and it drives me insane

  3. Life is too short to deal with selfish assholes who only care about getting themselves off. Kick him to the curb, I would if he was my man.

  4. You’ve never orgasmed with him, and he isn’t worried about it or working on it? Not sure that is salvageable to be honest.

  5. I’m sorry. I don’t get guys like that. I love foreplay and absolutely LOVE cunnilingus. I love making my partner orgasm (multiple times if possible) before I enter her. Now, there are time when that doesn’t happen (quickies, etc.) but I always try to make up for it.
    Talk to him. If he isn’t willing to change, maybe its time to move on and find what you want.
    I spent 23 years married to a cold woman. No way I’m going back to anyone like that.

  6. I’d be like ‘the only thing that DOESNT go in there is your dick now’ like boy bye ??

  7. Honey, dump him. I would say try to communicate your needs first, but you did and he disregarded them.

    “I wish we could have made this work, but we’re not sexually compatible. I wish you all the best.”

    There are a billions of dudes out there. Many millions will do more than the bare minimum, and like it.

  8. Without knowing him, just from what you wrote: He sounds like a selfish asshole, getting your woman off during Sex is one of the hottest things. Youbdeserve your orgasms, if he cant get that into his head id Look for a new boyfriend…

  9. Dump him.

    Not worth talking about – he knows you need it, and stopped doing it when he thought he could get away with it.

    Don’t date people who do the bare minimum to keep you there.

  10. Sounds selfish af. I wouldn’t put up with it at all. Especially when you aren’t finishing at all. Don’t have sex with him until he understands what he is doing is selfish and unacceptable.

  11. Unfortunately some men have a “sex is meant for men to enjoy, women enjoying is just a happy byproduct if it happens at all” mindset because men physically need to cum for a baby to be made so they see them cumming as the “point” of sex. It’s a weird mindset but more common then I think people realize.

    Of course both genders can be selfish in this area, but I would question if his selfishness is a symptom as him seeing women’s needs as inherently less important or if it’s just *your* needs that he deems as less important than his.

  12. how can a guy not want to go down on a girl its soo enjoyable. the girl im talking to loves going down on me and i usually dont let her untill i make her orgasm first. Definitely have a talk with him and let him know you cant get off with only penetration and that you would like to finish also

  13. I don’t cum until the woman cums. That’s just me. But I love eating pussy and ass. I do it to pleasure myself. I’d kick him to the curb for being a sissy

  14. drop his ass.

    are you aware of how many people in this stupid little planet are willing to go down on you?

    men who don’t eat pussy don’t deserve head.

    and I tell this as a man.

  15. He sounds like an asshole and this is coming from a guy. Break up with him and find someone who will satisfy your needs!

  16. if you can’t live this way,, and your are giving and he isn’t, Be honest with him and say, look you are not doing your part in sex and if he doesn’t change change guys,, I think he’s being selfish myself..

  17. does foreplay have to consist of him going down on you? can you compromise on something else? if not, and both of you arent interested in any compromise i suggest you end it.

  18. Why are you still with him? And why are you always going down on him if he won’t at least finger you or even get you off? Assume he won’t change. Do you really want that as your sex life as a whole? Lots of guys out there are eager to please. Why stay with someone who doesn’t care about you? If he only cares about his orgasm, his partner should just be his hand. 🤷

  19. WTF… This is NOT a good sexual relationship. You need to tell him that he’s being selfish, and you’re not satisfied with him. If he is willing to try something new, stay with him and see if you can work through it, but otherwise I’d dump him and find someone I was more sexually compatible with.

  20. I know it’s so hard to ask for want you want in bed, but your pleasure and orgasms are just as important as his and your partner should value your experience all the same. If you have a great relationship other than this, maybe it’s worth one last conversation but I don’t know that this is salvageable.

  21. Exact same position just shoe on the other foot. I always go down on her and I enjoy it so it’s not like it’s horrible but it would be nice to be reciprocated But when I ask it’s always too much of a chore I’m not sure what to do to change it

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