We’re late 40s and have been married a long time. Sex life is great. She’s recently felt the urge to squirt and asked me about it. I’m all for it and encouraged her to let it fly the next time she felt it.

It happened this morning and her eyes were watering for a few minutes afterwards. She also said it gave her a mild headache for a few minutes but she still felt great.

What’s the deal with the watery eyes and the headache after a massive orgasm?

  1. It’s a physiological response. The process of orgasm can cause quite a few reactions like this. Headaches(often tied to a rapid blood pressure change, but not exclusively), watery eyes(a result of a histamine release in the body), blurred vision, lights or spots in the vision, flushed skin, hypersensitivity of the nervous system, sneezing(histamine – like the watering of eyes) are all quite common.

    Men and women’s orgasms are quite different in physiological representation.

    No two persons are the same.

    Various events(orgasms) can be dramatically different for the same person.

    To expect perfectly similar responses every time one engages in a sexual activity is illogical and unsupported by evidence.

    If you’re concerned about health issues, you should consult your physician. Sex, and orgasm, are vigorous activities and can set off underlying health issues.

  2. The headache afterwards could be caused from dehydration. I definitely have to drink a lot of water before and after sex. Just throwing that out there because I learned the hard way after getting a migraine unfortunately.

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