I’ve (20f) been talking to this guy (20m) for about a month now. Our first date was really nice at a restaurant, our second date we watched movies at his house and I did preform oral sex on him. I felt very comfortable with him. On our third time seeing each other I went to his house and we slept together. Before this, he was very straightforward and punctual in making plans. This was a week ago.
Since then I’ve numerous times tried to make plans but he has told me different reasons why he can’t. I don’t nag, and he usually follows up with “we will this week”.
Last night in our text conversation I mentioned a show I like released a new season. He said “we should watch it together. I happily said of course, and asked him about a time and place. All he said was “good question “. I replied with “yeah” and nothing has been mentioned of it since.
I hope it’s coincidence that after we slept together he’s been giving reasons not to see each other. I’m worried I’ve been used for sex. What do you think Reddit?

1 comment
  1. People of reddit can speculate all we want, but we can’t read his mind.

    I’m a guy but personally, I’d try to make plans and if he makes an excuse, and doesn’t follow it up with a date that works for the both of you, then you need to move on. At that point, he’s probably only interested in hooking up. Even if he’s not just interested in hooking up, it sounds like you’re really low on the priority list, and he doesn’t have the decency to put in any effort in trying to date you.

    I think you already know this, but you either want someone to validate this feeling or hope there’s a valid excuse on his end that you can’t think of.

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