How did you know you made someone proud and who was that person?

  1. My grandmother bc she told me so but I could also see it. I didn’t live by her but made more of an effort than the grandchildren who lived closer to her. Rip grams

  2. My BFF said he was proud of me yesterday because i’ve worked really hard to get my finances and spending under control this last year. I went from having $75 in saving to over $8k! I’m proud of myself too!

  3. Ran into the son of one of my dad’s friends. Dude is a couple of years younger than me and was doing my major. He kept asking me a butt load of school/career related questions and actively listened to everything I said. I got the feeling that he genuinely thought highly of me, which was weird because we don’t really know each other and I think we met maybe once when we were little.

    At one point I asked him how did he know my major and he said, “Your dad talks about you to my dad.”

    My boomer dad never said it to me directly because he never really talks about anything that involves feelings, which I get and don’t mind that much. He’s an actions speak louder than words type of person and I’m okay with it.

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