Your social skills is not enough to attract women and have respect for men most of the time. especially if you want women to flirt with you or you trying to be in a relationship. 1 thing that all men must do is workout. I can not stress this enough. If u wanna get leaner then stop being a fat fuck. If u wanna gain muscle then stop being a skinny bitch. Women like both of these types because it shows you take care of yourself. And men will also gain your respect because it shows them you like working hard to improve something. Next thing is get a face skin care, its not that hard to wash your face and fix your hair. Switch hairstyles often and how good they will look on you. Right now I’m rocking the starter locs but when I start growing them out Ima look even better. Trust the process. Next is hygiene get some cologne whenever you go out. A lot of people working on social skills is the way to go. That’s not really the case. I seen a lot of people who take care of themselves get attention from women and men without socializing as much. Even I get stares at school without even saying anything. If u lack social skills and looks. Focus on looks first because the first thing people see about you is your appearance. Otherwise your gonna get ignored no matter what you say or do. After a couple months to a year that’s when you can start learning about how to talk to girls, how to flirt, etc. It’s very hard to respect or have women like you if your very skinny or fat. Nowadays it’s almost impossible.

  1. Yeah I understand where you’re getting at with taking care of yourself and one should do that but to say that looks are the only important thing is foolish. It seems like you have taken the black pill and that really isn’t a great way to go, I know plenty of people who aren’t conventionally attractive but who have a lot of friends and they’re able to find a date without issues

  2. I’m not fat… I’m healthy in most senses. I wouldn’t call myself ugly, but I wouldn’t say I’m particularly handsome… but whatever I am, I still blend into the background daily, which I is why I think that what you’re saying here is complete BS…

    Also, if your trying to get a message across to people who don’t know how to communicate easily how about you try putting it gently? For someone who promotes the idea of building confidence you don’t seem to know how to actually help achieve it…

    I think you need to learn how to talk to people more than I do…

  3. Looks and social skills are special cases of being respectable and excellent in multiple areas of life. The main thing that many don’t want to hear on this sub is that in order for people to naturally recognize, appreciate, or value you, they have to see something respectable about you. You can’t beg people to see something in you when there is actually nothing for them to see.

    Appearance is something that people can immediately notice about you. People know what goes into a good appearance: primarily good health, exercise, good sense of fashion, etc. Appearance isn’t everything though. Social skills matter as well. You have to leave people with positive impressions, especially when it comes to social skills. You have to know how to listen to people when they speak, and confidently speak when it’s your turn to. You have to bring positive social energy and vibes, as well as finding ways to impact and add value to people’s lives. It takes time and effort to improve here, as it is for many things in life. Those who put in the time and effort to do so will get the desired results. Those who don’t won’t get anything.

    The reality is many people won’t do anything to improve because gasp … it takes time and effort. Instead, they simply sit around and act envious of people who do put in the work and get natural attention and validation for doing the work. Meanwhile, they resort to begging for constant attention and validation from others, knowing full well that doesn’t work. Chase excellence.

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