So I’ll keep this short but just want to see some peoples opinions and/or what they have been through and how they managed.

So my husband is 25 M. We both recently got new careers and this has been his dream for so long. We moved overseas to a country he has always wanted to go. The other day he said he’s depressed. I know I can’t just fix his depression but does anyone have advice on how to make him feel secure and safe? TIA

  1. Why does he feel unsafe and insecure? Will he feel better if you save an emergency fund to be able to travel home in the event of a layoff or if you take steps to secure your home? Does he need to see a doctor?

  2. Is he depressed due to the new place or new job or your relationship with him ?

    Go out and explore the new surroundings together. Decorate your home. Have lunch with him during work if possible.

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