I met a guy on Discord and we had a call for 2 hours and talked while playing. He seemed a bit shy but it seemed to me that we had a great time and we planned on playing together World of Warcraft. He told me at the end how he enjoyed my company so much too. After that I messaged him cute animal videos sometimes and he would respond withing few minutes everytime. The problem is he never innitiated a conversation with me first and when he responds to me he doesnt make it really flow… I also texted him later a hint that we should totally play together in the future for a bit. He still hasn’t asked me to play with him but I see he plays with his friends because they’re way higher level than me. Also I like to stream on Twitch and I noticed he went to my stream one day but never said anything. He lurked there for hours but I dont think he actually watched me since even 3 hours after I ended my stream his name still showed up in the viewers, so I dont think he paid attention or probably put me on some tab. What I noticed after was that he actually subscribed to my Twitch channel (it’s $5) but he chose to not notify the subscription notification at all while I was live, he didn’t even follow me, still hasn’t. I am EXTREMELY CONFUSED like what’s going on? Why he never initiates conversations with me, responds immediately, wants to play WOW with me but never actually invited me and plays with his friends, never followed me on twitch but subscribes without the notification? Is he even interested at all?

  1. It very well could be that he’s just not that interested in you, but that all also sounds like typical stuff for a guy that is extremely shy and nervous. Some guys suck at communicating and have a lot of trouble initiating conversation. There was a time in my life where I could talk for hours if the other person initiated it, but would never start the conversation because every time I tried it just seemed needy/creepy/too embarrassing.

    I could see me doing the same stuff he’s doing at that time. I’d eagerly await messages, but never knew how to keep the conversation going via text, and I’d always play wow with my max level friends, but always tell myself I’d play with the other person that was much lower too even if we never did. And if a girl I was interested in was a twitch streamer, I’d definitely watch her streams, but I’d have been shy about it. I honestly wouldn’t even have used my own twitch account if she knew the name of it.

  2. As I see it: If you’re not meeting up IRL then I’d not assume anything at all. If he’s interested he’ll go out somewhere with you. He’s got his usually routine with friends and you’re not in it. He doesn’t initiate because you’re just not what he thinks about when he hops online to play. Maybe he can’t make the time to help you get higher level, too

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