What is your opinion on nail polish?

  1. I enjoy using it because it looks good and is fun to match with an outfit and/or makeup. That’s it, I guess?

  2. I love it! So many colours and types to choose from and can really finish off a look! I always feel more “put together” when my nails are freshly done

  3. Personally, not my cup of tea. To much work and with my typ of personality its damaged with in a few hours,and that looks sloppy.

    But if you like it,use it. And I don’t care either if you identify as male/female or what ever. It is a way to express your self, it can send a message or you can hide ugly nails.

  4. It’s pretty but I don’t have the patience to ever do my nails. They’re forever nubbified from my anxiousness.

  5. I hate the smell of it, and can never imagine painting my nails, or being near an open nail polish container.

  6. It makes me happy, I like looking at colorful nails on a grey day! Unfortunately I’m not allowed to wear it at work, so I have to save it for when I have longer periods off.

  7. I love the idea of it, and I enjoy getting them done, but I always immediately mess them up. It’s such a waste of money and time for me, so I refuse to get manicures anymore. I’ve tried gel polish and I still mess it up.

  8. Neutral. I don’t really care about it, but I respect that some people enjoy it as an art form.

  9. Love it, miss wearing it a lot. I always remember I wanted to wear it way too close to when I need to leave so it just never happens

  10. It exists. Some people like to wear it. Sometimes it’s fun or interesting to see the color or designs people choose. No opinion beyond that.

  11. I love how they look, but can’t really keep my nails painted because every time I try either I mess them up before they dry and then it bugs me enough I need to take it off, or I wear it for a couple days then it chips and I wind up picking it off because it bugs me.

  12. I feel weird if I do my nails, I just keep looking at them all the time. It looks really pretty and stuff, but I do it so rarely so it’s very distracting.

  13. I have fun painting them 2 or 3 time a year when I’m feeling like having a barbie day lol. Other than that, it is completely disposabl3 for me

  14. I used to find it fun because I was trying some nail art and being creative with it but then I turned allergic to it so naturally I no longer find it fun.

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