Hello, so recently my boyfriend was ill and he was in a very bad mood. We’ve been dating since July.

We were texting (we were far from each other during Christmas) and he texted me, that he has some bad thoughts and he is tired. He told me, that he realised a few months ago that he doesn’t feel anything (I don’t know if he realised that when we started dating), and he feels bad for starting this path again, path, that always ended up the same(with starting relationship and then breaking up). Earlier he felt enthusiastic and happy, but now he doesn’t find himself in being in a relationship. He followed this path and it ended bad, so he doesn’t want a repeat of it.

When he got well, he texted me, that these were some stupid thoughts, apologised me and doesn’t want me to worry about them and told me, that he still wants to be in a relationship with me.

Could someone give me an advice?

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