As the title says, When should I see a Urologist? Or should I not bother?

Let me give you some background. My sex life started 2 years ago. I, 22M, have always “finished” way too early. In fact, we barely get started. I can never fully make it in without feeling the urge. Sometimes when I’m drunk, or there were a couple times when I was sober, I can last a decent amount of time.

I can last a long time during oral but when it comes to penetration, I can barely get the tip in. It’s starting to affect my SO and in return, it’s starting to affect me.

Any help or advice?

  1. Spend time reading up on how to increase your ability to last longer during sex. Being able to last longer when drunk and not finishing quick during oral means that you likely just need to learn to control your sensation while penetrating. I assume you’re using a condom, but a thicker condom may help. Learning to edge during masturbation will help you learn your point of no return to a T which can help with lasting during penetration.

    I wouldn’t go to a Urologist at this point. Usually it’s recommended for men who suddenly develop premature ejaculation. So someone who’s never had issues lasting a while and suddenly develops it despite not changing partners nor going a while without ejaculating.

  2. a low dose of lexapro would likely fix this. I was taking it for anxiety but had to get off it because it actually prevented me from being able to finish. I later read that my reaction is not surprising because doctors prescribe it for PE

  3. I’m a student in reproductive medicine, and I think if you have insurance or are able to afford it, you should consider a visit. It’s been so heartening for me to speak to MD’s in urology about the impact so many men experience from a visit to their clinic. I can’t speak to the potential medical options, but speaking to an expert and going through the motion of verbally explaining your situation may be really illuminating in itself. My first advice to any of my female friends debating whether or not to call their Ob/Gyn is to rip the bandaid off and make the appointment, so I feel the same in this situation. Good luck!

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