I’m not working for health reasons, but I’m a full housewife, I take care of the house, I cook, clean, treat him like God dam royalty, I swear, take care of all he’s needs, sexually, emotionally, house wise, love, attention etc. I even take he’s shoes off sometimes, lay him on bed, take hes jeans off, prepare hes clothes and a fresh towel before he even goes out of the shower, pick up after him, make him food at any time, he asks for pasta at 3am. there I am making him pasta at 3am. I’m kind, understanding, funny, smart, attractive, sexually enthusiastic, almost never turn him down if he wasn’t to have sex, take care of he’s skin, he’s hair, he’s grooming in general (Well I try, ive been begging him to.go to the barbwr for 3 years, he doesnt want to) With the little money I get sometimes I get him things like a pair of good headphones, some clothes, a nice jacket, cause he doesn’t care about the appearance very much, any way I digress, I have nececities and perso al needs, and he don’t really care about that, cause if I have food and shelter that’s enough, I don’t even have access to any bank account or any credit card, so if I need anything can’t do anything, I have to ask for every little thing I need, and a lot of times he ends up getting annoyed that I’m asking for it, and he also kind of holds it against me like “I pay for the rent” “I pay the phone bills” “I pay for the cars” baby but I don’t own a car tho “You get on it don’t you.?” Well, like 2 times a month, cause I’m always home, I’m not exaggerating, I’m just home cleaning, cooking, taking care of the animals, prwpung the room and he’s table for when he comes home, and I do that for weeks on end without seeing anyone else sometimes for weeks, sometimes months. Sorry I derailed, I need things, personal needs, and I have to ask like a child if I can get some face cream or lotion, or if I can get some sented Candles, or a cover for the sofa, then he says I shouldn’t be scavenging other people’s trash, I’m trying to get my hands on whatever I can really, but he’s wlung to spent 2k on a stupid module so he’s Tesla can run 3 seconds faster. I just… I’m I in the wrong here..? He says I’m ungrateful, I’m I..?

  1. A partnership is when two people are equal. You don’t have an equal relationship.

    He’s not your partner, he’s your master and you’re his slave.

  2. Ask yourself what you’d do in his shoes. He’s managed to acquire an indentured servant willing to also function as a sex slave. He’s already gotten all of this for free and has made sure that you have nowhere to go and no resources to help you flee from this. If he were to give you money you’d have the means to wise up and leave him. The most paramount part of a coercive control abuse based relationship is to erase any means of escape for the victim.

  3. What you’re describing here isn’t the relationship between husband and wife. If you’re not working, keeping house is certainly a reasonable way of being an equal in your relationship from a financial/responsibilities standpoint. The other stuff you’re describing, dressing him, bathing him, being at his beck and call 24/7, is not normal for a husband and wife in an equal marriage. You’re behaving like an obsessive, doting mother, or even his personal slave. Because you don’t respect yourself, your husband doesn’t respect you.

    If you don’t mind my asking, what is your disability that prevents you from working outside the home but allows you to do so much labor every day? Your relationship needs a hard reset of roles and responsibilities and you getting out and earning your own money would be a great place to start.

  4. So, he keeps you extremely isolated, and makes you serve him hand and foot. If you like being extremely subservient, that’s on you, but keeping you isolated is no good at all. You should be spending your mornings with other housewives, drinking tea over gossip about the HOA and the local Karen.

    And while he gets his expensive toys like nothing, has you begging him for weeks for lotion or a sofa cover? I don’t remember the exact term, but it rimes with “financial violence”.

  5. One thing is, if you do all that with no problems you can find a job you can do.

    That said, if I had a woman to do all that for me she could have my whole paycheck for all I care.

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