Those of you with unibrow eyebrow growth how have you been treated because of it? Do you remove it or do you let it stay?

  1. I pluck it. I spend 30 seconds after every shower with tweezers; it’s easiest after being under warm water and doing it frequently keeps it to a minimal part of my hygiene routine.

  2. Sometimes I forget about it and it grows in. I don’t know. People still talk to me and smile at me.

  3. I usually do my eyebrows but recently I’ve just let my unibrow grow lol and I don’t mind it I don’t get treated differently for it

  4. I’m having it removed with laser. I bought a full body package from Milan and it was a part of the package.

  5. i always remove it since being bullied in elementary and highschool for it, people are mean. im 22 now

  6. I got unibrows after I already was plucking them anyways, so that didn’t really matter. I noticed if I pluck between my eyebrows I get pimples, so I just shave it with an eyebrow knife.

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