I got angry at a friend bc they were not working on work at work for like a month. But during the conversation we had i felt they were being very rude (not listening to me, changing thr subject, saying im overrating, etc) which made me even more mad. I never yelled at them or attacked their character but i walked away to my desk and then they told me they have adhd. And obvjously now i feel like a crappy person bc everything i was mad at them about was something they cant even control. I apologized later that day. This happened six months ago but everytime i see them i think about this moment and i feel guilty. How do i get over this and move on

1 comment
  1. Forgive yourself. Realizing you made a mistake is the moment you become wiser. At the end of the day you can only control yourself and hope for the best with others. You could always tell your friend you’re sorry for not understanding and —if it comes to it— that you didn’t realize their situation. Luckily people can make great strides with ADHD over time but it helps to allow them the opportunity to overcome their circumstances independently or face the natural consequences of their actions if they don’t (get fired, lose friends, etc.). Either way, unless you’re in a management position, focus on your own goals and let them do their thing without it affecting your daily emotional levels. Hope this helps.

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