when was the last time you literally stopped to smell flowers?

  1. The day before yesterday. Turned out they did not smell at all. But looked beautiful anyway!

  2. I haven’t ever done this. Too scared of insects to go anywhere near anything flower like, lol.

  3. A few months ago. I walk regularly in the neighborhood and there were one or two plants/trees that were so fragrant even from the sidewalk that I’d have to stop for a minute and enjoy the smell before continuing.

  4. I love flowers – every chance I get lol

    But uh it is also winter time here so not like yesterday or anything XD

  5. in I like October near Halloween. I work at a school and the kids had a farm field trip there were a bunch of colors flowers near the farm house and I smelled them and also took pictures

  6. Just before my daughter’s school broke up for Christmas! They got these lovely new purple flowers lining the path to the main reception so I smelled them one day, they’re very nice 🙂 I plan on asking what they are when school goes back!

  7. Have to pass thru the floral dept leaving the grocery store, so I always smell a few bouquets on my way out.

  8. Every single time I see a flower :)) including plants. Pretty nature smells calm me so I take every chance I get.

  9. Usually in the spring but any time my husband brings me a bouquet for our table I smell them and any time there is a rose on one of my rose bushes.

    I love the smell of old times roses. I cut and rooted some of my great grandmothers so I would have some in my yard. I’ve also bought several roses that smell good from the garden center.

    Also gardenias and jasmine smell so nice, I have some of those as well but my gardenias have to come inside during the winter. I have them in a pot. Carolina jessamine is one of my favorites too. It grows wild and I’ve dug them up on trails and planted them in my yard for my trellis.

    Honestly I smell most flowers and if I love them I take a cutting and root them for my yard ( if they are wild or I have permission) or buy some at the garden center. If they are on private property ( like by a mailbox or by the road or walking paths in the city) I will take a picture and figure out what it is so I can get some of my own. If the owner is there I always compliment them and ask what they are. Usually the owner is pretty happy to tell me what they are and where they got them.

  10. Well, my preschool age daughter insists that we stop and smell any flowers we come across. Even if they don’t have a scent (we have to pretend). So quite frequently!

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