Basically my 2 year relationship ended in October we had the most amazing sex life. Now that it’s ended and been some time I want to start having sex again but I don’t know how to get it at all.. see with my ex all I had to do was ask but she’s not here for that anymore so I basically have no experience or any idea on how to get sex. Everything I try doesn’t work. Any tips? I’ve tried all the dating apps there is and nothing works

  1. If you just want casual sex and not a relationship, it will be hard to find. More men than women want casual sex, so the women that DO want that, have their pick of men. And since it’s casual, they will likely go for the most physically attractive men. If you aren’t one of them, your best bet is to try with women you already know pretty well, so they can see your personality. Which is also hopefully amazing. Because barring looks and a fun personality, you won’t have much to offer a woman casually.

  2. As a man? Numbers game + effort. Don’t expect to compare your experiences with women in the dating realm you’re going to destroy your self confidence .

  3. ** Sexually frustrated female **

    I’m feeling your frustration loud and clear. Fresh out of a situationhip where those touchy, feely, steamy moments that lead to intimacy weren’t really happening often and before I knew it, he blocked and ghosted me without us ever having sex…… And I’m still here without sex. 🙄 It was so bloody frustrating as I’m a highly sexual person and I should have told him “that I wanted and needed sex, and for sex we need to actually see each other, so pick up your game”. I should have just jumped his ass when we would see each other, taking matters into my own hands 😂

  4. Be direct about what you want. Tell women you’re just looking for sex, not a relationship. I would absolutely not want to get into anything with a guy if he couldn’t clarify what he wants. Beyond that I don’t really know what you’re doing that’s not working, but maybe lower your standards if you’re just trying to get laid 🤷‍♀️

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