What would be your reaction if a random person called you gringo ?

  1. As someone who’s half Mexican, I’d probably laugh. I look fairly white, but then I’d say something to them in Spanish and see if they can even speak it.

  2. I would shrug.

    Now, if they called me a “cracker,” *that* I have a reply for: “I’m sorry, we prefer to be called Saltine-Americans.”

  3. Feel less hostile than I’ve heard Yankee in the South – and the meaning behind seems a bit more benign.

    I don’t think I’d think much about it.

  4. I would assume they were off their rocker and keep walking. Street smarts is don’t make eye contact with anyone behaving erratically. Be on your way as if you’re late to work.

  5. I could literally not care less if someone called me a gringo. I would probably laugh and keep walking.

  6. I’d probably turn around as if someone were calling my name. I live close to Mexico. I speak Spanish. I know it’s a neutral word that isn’t offensive unless one has malintent. Latin-American culture is just not PC as ours, that’s literally it. When Spain ruled over its American colonies they were….. not nice to the non-Spaniards (non-whites). This still has a big impact on social interactions to this day.

  7. Get upset because I’m clearly a gringa but it would make me feel bad to be mistaken for a guy

  8. Depending on how it was said I’d either ignore it or laugh along with them and make a joke about how white I am.

  9. I’d probably laugh at them and respond with, “Ahh, yo sé que me veo gringo, pero solo soy medio gringo!”

  10. That’s nothing. One time I got an airport staff mistakenly took me as someone who came from Mexican.

    I’m an Asian.

  11. Gringo isn’t really seen as a slur in the same way that Gweilo or something is

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