So recently I was in public when, for reasons I don’t think are appropriate or respectful to discuss I ended up being locked in for over an hour with a bunch of other people, and being bored I took up conversation with a girl as there wasn’t much else to do, I was later told by someone else that she was hitting on me, they also brought up all the other times I’ve been hit on and it occurred to me that when I go out I end up being hit on way more than I feel confident about.

Part of me wants to be all smug about the fact but another part just wants to crawl into a hole and avoid the chance to be hit on again, I don’t know how to respond to that sort of thing and I feel super self conscious about even insinuating that I attract women like that, usually I just play it off as them just bring friendly with me.

I’m not daft either, I know that I’m conventionally attractive, good at conversation and approachable, but I don’t have the confidence or social skills to take being hit on, I don’t know how to organize my thoughts and even trying is making me super anxious. What do I do?

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