How do you get self-discipline over night?

  1. Um, you don’t. It takes time and constant work

    Well I did get a massive boost to my self discipline very quickly. But that was when I suddenly became a mom. That is a not ideal strategy tho

  2. You make desired outcomes as easy as possible to accomplish. For example, want to get better with money? Set up automatic transfers from your paycheck to savings and investment accounts. Set up auto bill pay for monthly bills.

  3. It’s slow. You can do the first thing in one night – committing to yourself, writing it down. Start by breaking everything you intend to accomplish or desire to bring into your life to the smallest possible increments. Then make daily progress, no matter how small.

  4. It isn’t about trying to change your innate personality and tendencies overnight. But something you can do overnight is begin to establish systems and adjust your environment to support what you want to accomplish. I highly recommend the book Atomic Habits.

  5. Discipline takes time, but you can commit to a sustainable routine that forms desirable habits. Visualize, in detail, your dream life. Then pick a few daily tasks that support that vision and work them into your daily schedule as a routine. Over time, as they become no-brainer habits, you can modify/expand your routine as you work towards the person you want to be. It won’t be perfect at first, but starting with habit formation will help. Best of luck!!

  6. Everything is about habit building. Over time I built the habit of doing dishes first thing after dinner because it freed up the rest of my night when I didn’t want to do them. Once I got into a routine that just became part of dinner for me. Think about starting small with a few things that reward future you, such as: going for a walk because it improves your mental health, making your bed because it’s nice to get into a made bed at night… and then take the 20 mins during the day to try it out. The rewards are what help build the habit, so think about what would really be rewarding for you.

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