I mean non-sexual things

  1. There are many things that can make a woman appear cute, including physical features like big eyes, a small nose, and full lips. Other factors can also make a woman seem cute, such as her personality, her behavior, and the way she interacts with others.

  2. When they hold something that could be held comfortably with one hand but use two hands anyway
    Goes double if it’s my hand

  3. Trying too hard to be cute, is not cute.

    Like any other quality, it really can’t be forced.

  4. When they swipe their falling tress and tuck it behind their ear. Damn, Cupid, you better not demand your arrow back.

  5. Feminine mannerisms and positions. The way they sit on their feet or with their feet at their sides. How their elbows can go behind them and their arms rest on their hips. When they have their knees together but feet apart. When they make little fists and put their wrists close together in front of their chest when they get excited. Mostly things they don’t even know they’re doing, but goddamn they’re adorable.

  6. There’s a blanket sense of comfort that they give off that is impossible to find anywhere else.

  7. 5’7″ farmer kid here. Based on the replies here, I’m not sure I quality as “cute” :'(

  8. When they start telling me about their day. I just wanna hear everything and girls have such a cute and funny way of describing everything.

  9. LOL, what non physical attributes do you find attractive in women.

    There I fixed your question for you.

    And it’s always tied to the physical, one woman does it and its cute,, another does it and it’s annoying AF.

    The only difference is the specific woman doing the thing.

    So it’s not the thing you find cute, it’s the specific woman. 🤣✌️

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