Me (m22) and my gf (f22) have been together for almost 2 years. We met online and fell for eachother quick. We were together long distance for about 9 months. We would meet eachother for a few days every couple of months, meeting halfway, we would play alot of video games together and watch shows together at the same time to spend more quality time together. After those 9 months her patents actually offered to let me stay with them which was very kind and we both appreciated so much. Everything was great for about 8 months before I started seeing the signs. She started staying up late on the games and wouldn’t go to bed with me, we stopped spending any time together, with her just doing her own thing staying at home (she had quit her job cause of toxic coworkers), and our sex life had disappeared. I confronted her about my worries and she revealed she had gotten severely depressed, saying she couldn’t make any friends no matter how she tried, she hated herself, and she had alot of trauma she never dealt with. I expressed how I would be there for her and try to help her improve as best I could and be there for her. But I guess that didn’t work out.. a month later she said she didn’t want to drag me down and that she didn’t want her condition to affect me. No matter how much I said that wouldn’t be the case she stuck with her decision. I would’ve pushed back harder if it was our own place but it being her parents house I felt it wasn’t a good choice to fight about it. I moved back in with my parents. We stayed quiet for a couple weeks before we started talking again. We never officially separated and said she still considered us to be together. We text and talk alot and still play games to spend time together like we would. But things feel off. She’ll text sweet things like she wants to be together forever still or that she loves me more than she ever has but won’t say them while we play or flirt like we used to. Any attempt I make at having “sweet talk” and complimenting eachother isn’t reciprocated. I asked her about it and she said we text nice things so much she didn’t feel it was necessary to say things like that while we play games or watch a show. She still initiates conversations and asks to spend time with me all the time and plans on getting money saved so we can live together in our own place. But there’s alot missing that used to be there. She is on antidepressants now. What can I do in this situation and how normal is this for someone with depression?

TLDR Depressed gf is unresponsive to love I show alot of the time. Says she still loves me just as much as ever and she shows she cares but things aren’t the same. Advice on how normal this is for someone with depression is appreciated.

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