Has anyone in a long distance relationship been in a similar situation?
a few months ago i bought up moving in together in the future and he said yes eventually but he wants to move out by himself first to ‘experience it’
I am 25 and have rented by myself for a few years he is 30 and still lives at home as he is saving to buy.
We are in a long distance relationship so it’s slightly more difficult. I am ready to move in together as I struggle sometimes with distance and we only see each other one day a week. We have been together just over a year. I don’t want to be in a long distance relationship for years whixh i’ve said and he agrees but i think he’s unsure as he doesn’t want to ‘waste money renting’ only buy somewhere.
How can i bring this up again without it seeming like i’m pressuring him, as i’m not i just want to see if his views have changed and express im ready for the next step and see where he is at.

  1. Well there’s a lot of things you haven’t considered. For example, in a long distance relationship you don’t really know each other that well and certainly will have problems when you first move in. Communication is paramount! Also being able to adjust to eachothers idiosyncrasies is very important too. I’d say let him get established first and ask him again after a few months. If he feels more comfortable with his living arrangement it’s less stressful when you move in vs both yall jumping into a new place together for the first time.

  2. Why do you have to go from long distance to moving in? Are you unable to move closer to him? If that’s not an option was your plan to become financially dependent right away?

  3. Can he maybe come stay with you at your place for a few weeks at a time? Give it a trial run to make sure things work out? I was in a long distance relationship and for about 4 months I split time between my place in one state and her place in another state. After going back and forth for a few months and getting things sorted out knew we could live together and I moved to be with her permanently.

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