So I (M36) think I had multiple orgasms earlier today while having sex with my partner (F35).

We were both high and really enjoying ourselves – I was so turned on! When I was ready to cum, I pulled out and had what felt like an ejaculatory orgasm (it was totally an orgasm, but it was really dark in the room so I’m not sure if I actually ejaculated), but I kept stroking and I came again (totally an ejaculatory orgasm).

Has any male ever experienced this??? It was brilliant hahaha

  1. I at one point managed to pull it off a few times by myself but the timing and interaction seemed to interfere with ever achieving it with someone else. However, I can say that at times my refractory period was shortened so that I had multiple orgasms during an encounter even if it wasn’t all at once.

  2. Happened to me once, we were on a great marathon sex session. It was awesome, got all the sensation a of cumming without ejaculation and just kept going. Great times, but no idea how to get there again.

  3. When I was younger I could cum, ejaculate quite a bit, stay completely hard and then cum and ejaculate later too. Certainly isn’t something you can make happen, and I def can’t do itanymore.

  4. I’ve only had something like this happen one time and at the time it felt a little uncomfortable not gonna lie. I pulled out as soon as I felt the orgasm coming on and came but she kept on jerking me really hard and about 30 seconds later I felt like I was going to cum again and did end up having a second orgasm which felt really intense and gave me pain/spams in my balls and taint area. Have tried doing it again but it hasn’t happened since. I usually get a little soft after cumming and takes a few minutes to get hard again and can go for another round but never since have i had back to back ones as quickly

  5. Years ago my girlfriend and I were at a B&B and we took molly and stayed up all night having sex … literally for 6 hours straight (maybe longer). It was immensely pleasurable, but I couldn’t orgasm that entire time.

    Our drugs were wearing off and the sun was coming up, so we called it, packed our bags and went home. We get home and lay down immediately because we’re both exhausted.

    15 minutes later, we’re cuddling and I get boner, and one thing leads to another and we’re having sex again. I orgasm in less than 5 minutes, but keep thrusting and then somehow miraculously orgasm again. The second one felt even better than the first so I keep going and I kid you not came two more times.

    4 orgasms in the span of like 10 minutes. Previously I’d never come more than once (I have a very strong refractory period) and I haven’t had multiple orgasms ever since. The experience was cathartic to say the least.

  6. Yes!!


    If I stop thrusting and SQUEEZE really hard I can usually ejaculate a tiny bit. I stay completely hard and then I can continue until I actually cum and ejaculate. Doggy + Creampie is my favourite for doing this. No condoms is even better as she stays lubed and I can just go at her lol

  7. Everyone can have multiple orgasms you just squeeze your pelvic muscle without touching your penis, is also a sort of dry or orgasm

  8. My record is 4 on one hard on, one Piv three jerking immediately after. Was fucking awesome

  9. We do a lot of edging, my partner can sometimes have multiple orgasms where it feels like he’s cumming but nothing comes out, he said it feels incredible but it’s taken quite a few years for me to get really good at helping him get there!

  10. Yes, the trick is to stay hard. You have to realize the orgasm is a mental exercise more than physical, and while there’s often a physical response, “ejaculate” doesn’t necessarily predicate an orgasm. The trick is to stay hard. The male body is sort of prewired to enter it’s refractory period immediately after ejaculating, but you can over come this with 1) drugs such as viagra (or molly, cocaine, meth, etc… And for the record I’m not recommending hard drugs, just stating facts), 2) a cock ring is another way to artificially replicate the musculature that restricts blood flow and keeps the penis erect, 3) practice… With pelvic floor exercises, it can be possible for some men to control some of the muscles that help maintain an erection, but this takes time and a lot of self awareness.

    Ultimately the end goal is the penis stays erect long enough for the mental refractory period to wear off and allow for another orgasm. Find a way to stay hard, and you’ll likely be able to cum again.

  11. My ex came 5 times in 6 hours once. But it’s not something that’s super common in my experience

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