Hey guys. Sorry if this is the wrong place to put this. figured it still counted as a relationship between me and my boss.

I’m pretty new to working in industry so
I’m not sure how to navigate this.

I joined a big company on an entry level scheme type thing. It was during the pandemic so options were short. I took the job and my aim was to network into the right team.

It’s gone… averagely so far. I’ve been there a year. Moved once. The scheme wasn’t what I hoped for at all. I’ve been quite down about my career as a whole. Lead me to some depression.

But, I’ve finally found something I want to do. It’s really technical. It makes use of what I did on my MS. It could lead me on to aerospace or similar. It’s 100% what I want to do. I’ve even got coffees with a guy on the team and he’s said I’ve got a job if I want one when the role opens.

However. I’ve only been on my latest team for 2 months. They seem to tbh I’ll be there for years. This new job is at the same company. I’m not sure how my boss will react when my opportunity comes.

How do I navigate this? It’s such a great opportunity for me and really what I want to do.


Tl;dr potential for a new job internally in my company but only just joined my new one

  1. What kind of a relationship do you have with your boss? Do you have regular performance conversations and if so, for the next one go prepared with what you wish to pursue and the reason why. If your boss is experienced enough and genuinely wishes for you to develop, they will understand. Also remember not to burn your bridges, offers are sometimes just that – offers which don’t materialise. Be patient – you sound young and if you are, you have a whole career in front of you. Sometimes opportunities are just a matter of time. Learn that very role that you take on isn’t ideal but irrespective it teaches you something. You may need to convince your boss but that in itself is something that you will learn for life. Good luck

  2. Career-wise that’s quite young. Don’t rush into things and come at any opportunity you wish to discuss, positively. Point out to your boss the benefits of you taking that opportunity and if they decline remember that they are the boss and unless there’s some personal reason they may need to put the interest of the business first. You need to have the conversation knowing and accepting it can go either way. Personally, if one of my team had that convo with me, I’d let them go as the last thing you want as a manager is someone who isn’t invested in their role.

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