I don’t have much of a social life excluding school. I’m lucky if once every few weeks I get to walk with one of my 3 friends. I rarely even text or call people and if I do the conversation barely goes anywhere. I almost never get invited anywhere and I haven’t been to any sort of party in years. I don’t consider my social skills to be very good and i’m pretty afraid of doing anything wrong. I’m trying to find ways to actually get a life and stop sitting in my house all day. I constantly imagine scenarios where I do something wrong and I say the wrong thing and people snap at me and it makes me upset to the point where I’ve actually started crying a bit. I also constantly imagine scenarios where I try to be confident and stand up for myself but I just end up being severely insulted. There’s so many social rules and I’m always afraid I’m going to break one and I know that if I do it’s going to haunt me for years. I’m still hung up on stupid things like a joke I made when I was nine and I feel so bad about myself though I rarely make people uncomfortable or make social mistakes. Anytime I hear about a rule or manners or something I imagine myself breaking it and then get upset at imaginary me for breaking this rule. Let me give you an example. So, I today I was searching up tons of articles and stuff related to socializing and I started imagining scenarios where people were being absolutely brutal to me just because of stuff like me asking if I could go to a party and stuff and then I started getting upset and anxious and got pretty close to crying. I also got upset because I was afraid that I might break a rule I didn’t know of and then the police will arrest me and I started crying. I know it’s all in my head and that it’s stupid to get upset about stuff that I made up in my own head but it’s still bothers me and affects me not only mentally but physically. How can I stop the anxiety related to rules and making mistakes?

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